*<Crypto>Poetry Volume
To <Crypto>Poets
For <Crypto>Poet doesn't necessarily write about Web3, but preferably as Web3. And if about + as - this is bingo.
Exposition and proposal
<Crypto>Poetry is the net art project that explores the possibilities of creating poetic texts in Web3 space and is based on its main principles and technologies: decentralization, cryptography, and blockchain.
<Crypto>Poetry exists in an art-in-progress mode, and as it develops, the decentralized Proof of Rhyme book is published. It is the collection of small poems published on various blockchains.
In addition, the project team is working on the first collection of poetry <Crypto>Poetry Volume. Poets who write poetry using technologies and/or elements included in Web3 ecosystem are invited to participate (tags: blockchain, on-chain, block explorer, smart contract, dApp, IPFS, API, NFT, DSN, dMail, dMessenger, and so on). However, poets must use this toolkit in a way that is original and creative enough to have an innovative influence on the poetic form of the poem and poetry in general.
<Crypto>Poetry Volume will be published in the special section on this website, where each author will be able to post their poems (several artworks, depending on the situation), as well as a brief bio/info + links to the account or web page.
<Crypto>Poetry is the experimental artistic non-commercial project. It is not designed to make money and is not profit-oriented. However, to support the contributors, <Crypto>Poetry Volume may be published in a limited edition NFT format.
<Crypto>Poetry is the open multichain project, so it's hard to find a common platform for it in Web3 world right now. On the other hand, this is its peculiarity and challenge. This reflects the current problem: how can the idea of ​​decentralization be implemented without being tied to any one blockchain as a center.
For any questions and proposes: [email protected]
Alek Borisov